
{Califonia Dining...}

I am in sunny California for a few more days. I was born and raised here so of course I have some favorite eating spots. Now these places are not fine dining, their just places I went as a kid and now my kids also go here. I like to pass on some kind of tradition even if it is at fast food joints. Please keep in mind these were taken with my little point and shoot.
This is El Pollo Loco which has the best BRC Burritos around. Beans, rice and cheese. Their also known for their chicken and fresh tortillas.
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Who doesen't love Tommy Burgers, that would be me..If you want food with lots of chili on it this is the place. My son loves their chili dogs.
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Seth had a hard time finishing this..
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DEL TACO!!! I cannot say enough about this place. It kills Taco Bell and Taco Bueno. They have the best red burritos and quesdilla's ever. I swear we must have eaten here everyday. That would explain why we look like chunky burritos..
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O.K., this is the best ice cream ever. Thrifty used to be a drug store when I grew up. Now it's called Rite Aid, but if you go in they still have the ice cream station there. You can't beat getting a double scoop for a $1.69. Of course when I grew up a triple was $.75 just shows I'm getting old.
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I think the boys are enjoying there ice cream..
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Western bagel the best bagels around!!!
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Chi Chi's is down here in Saugus which has been around forever. The same pizza maker is still working there from when I was a kid. Best salads and pasta around. We went here first after getting off the plane..It's a must have...
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmm Pollo Loco, the best!